Orlando is one of the most forward thinking cities in the world when it comes to having eco-friendly amenities. One service that is crucial to keeping Orlando’s environment beautiful is ITAD. ITAD stands for IT Asset Disposition, and it is a practice that is crucial for companies to do if they have the intention of being environmentally friendly. ITAD companies like Orlando Recycles ensure that IT equipment is disposed of properly and never enters a landfill. Some of the qualities separates Orlando Recycles from other electronic recycling companies in Orlando and throughout Central Florida are free pickup, monetary compensation in many cases, outstanding customer service, and secure data protection. If your company is interested in removing IT equipment and is looking for an ITAD company in Orlando, Orlando Recycles is your best option.
Why Can’t I Throw Away My IT Equipment?
When companies upgrade their IT equipment the task of how to dispose of the old equipment often isn’t thought of until the new equipment is installed. There are a couple of popular options that businesses typically choose. Unfortunately one of the more popular options is throwing the IT equipment away in the dumpster. When you throw away IT equipment the E-waste that enters the landfill causes damage to our environment. That’s why in order to keep Orlando as beautiful as it is, instead of throwing your IT equipment in the garbage you should contact Orlando’s best ITAD company, Orlando Recycles. Our process has been trusted for over 10 years because of our convenience and excellent customer service. Our team is so dedicated to keeping IT equipment out of the landfills that we offer free pickup to Orlando businesses and it’s surrounding area. For more information on your free IT equipment pickup talk to our experts today.
What’s Wrong With Throwing My IT Equipment in the Storage Closet?
Another popular option companies go with when they replace their IT equipment is putting their old equipment in the storage closet. Besides the obvious reason that eventually that storage closet is going to have to be used for something else in the future, there is actually an even more crucial reason why you should not do this. Orlando Recycles not only offers free pickup of your IT equipment in Orlando, but we also will pay for your IT equipment in many cases. The longer you leave your IT equipment in your storage closet the more your IT equipment depreciates in value. In order to maximize your monetary compensation on your IT equipment the faster you contact us for your free pickup the better.
How Do I Schedule an ITAD Pickup with Orlando Recycles?
Orlando Recycles’ ITAD pickup is convenient and simple. To start the process all you have to do is reach out to one of our experts either by form fill out or phone. Once we are in contact with you we will ask basic questions about your ITAD pickup such as the location of your business, quantity of IT equipment (and other electronics), the specs on your IT equipment, and date you were hoping to get the IT equipment picked up by. The more information you can provide us the better initial quote we can give you on your IT equipment. After our procurement team comes and removes your IT equipment for free, our technology experts will assess it for value. After this we will then give you a final bid, once you accept you will get a business check in the mail! To get started today give us a call at 407-273-1395!